Erwin Wurm

—"The act of dealing with sweaters, putting them on and taking them off, is hardly ever perceived consciously. When the object, i.e. the sweater, is stretched so that the body of the wearer can find its way into this envelope, when it shrinks so as to adapt to the body's contours and to create a shape or a lack thereof, an essential plastic process takes place." Erwin Wurm
—"He explores issues such as the thinness craze and obesity, fashion, advertising, the cult of consumerism, whose central fetishes include the private home as well the car. In his approach, anything can become sculpture: actions, written or drawn instructions, or even a thought."—Deichtorhallen
—'In the end, art deals with the difficulty of coping with life - be it by means of a philosophy or a nutritional diet,' Erwin Wurm.
Erwin Wurm (1954, Bruck an der Mur) lives and works in Vienna.

See also:
House Attack, 2006
The artist who swallowed the world, 2006
Carrying Edelbert Köb (Be nice to your curator), 2006
One Minute Sculpture: "Lehne deinen Kopf an die Wand, denke an Adorno und furze"
Art Basel Fucks Documenta 2006
Instructions for Idleness (v.l.n.r.: Make slow movements; Be indifferent about everything; Fantasize about minimalism; Express yourself through yawning; Think about the void; Never respond; Look silly; Don't Care), 2001
One Minute Sculptures, 1997

Hanoi Martinez Leon

The sunset of the great mountain, oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm

Hanoi Martinez León was born in Havana city, Cuba on August 1st , 1973. He lives now in Medellin, Colombia.
via saatchi.

3rnst Salazar
The work of ecuadorian designer 3rnst Salazar explores the possibilities of graphical symmetries, Rorschach-style explorations and biomorphic patterns with enthralling results.

Raymond Uhlir

Shine on you crazy oracle (because there's no way I believe this is happening).
oil enamel on canvas
26.5 x 40 in.

Born 1979 in Hinsdale, IL. Lives and works in Austin, TX.

Steven B. Smith

"Steven B. Smith‘s Close to Nature and The Weather and a Place to Live “chronicle the transition of the Western landscape into suburbia.” They are studies of the ridiculous ways that man interacts with nature, by turn extraordinarily strange, funny and depressing in their bleakness. The man-meets-nature-and-produces-weirdness thing is not exactly uncommon, but I think Smith has a very keen compositional eye and does not go for the obvious subjects, often focusing in on the more easily overlooked details. A great trip into American suburbia that makes you want to go back for more but to never, ever live there."

By and via eyecurious.

Claudio Parentela

Claudio Parentela (1962) is based in Catanzaro, Italy.

Jason De Marte

Commercial Appeal

—Jason DeMarte, 1973, Louisiana. Currently on leave from Mississippi State University teaching photography at the University of New Mexico.
—"I work digitally, combining images of fabricated and artificial flora and fauna with graphic elements and commercially produced products such as processed food, domestic goods and pharmaceutical products."

Raoul Weiller

—"Raoul's illustrations combine hands-on collage with computer enhancement. He employs images from an array of old and new magazines to depict contemporary themes."


Daehyun Kim, aka Moonassi, was born and lives in Seoul, South Korea. Studied Korean traditional painting at the College of Fine Arts, Hongik University. Is interested in art, design and writing.

via Visual journal.

Angela Rossi

—"I strive to be simple. I like small things, dirty art and banjo music. Most of the time I am called Angela. I was born and bred in Los Angeles. My father and my brother are both professional artists. My mother is an expert craftsman. I am not."

via Claudio Parentela at foggygrizzly.


Sonnenzimmer is Nick Butcher and Nadine Nakanishi. "Having worked out of the Bird Machine for several years—mentored by Jay Ryan—we decided to start our own shop in Summer of 2006. A happy string of events helped it all come together. Sonnenzimmer is located on the northside of Chicago, in a neighborhood called Roscoe Village. Here we meet, greet, hang out with fellow friends and artists and crank away in the kindred spirit of our Chicago colleagues."

via butdoesitfloat.

Martin Nicolausson
"Martin Nicolausson is a swedish illustrator and graphic designer based in London.
He was one of the winners of ADC Young Guns 2010."

Via Visual journal

Luis Dourado

"Luis Dourado was born in Porto, Portugal in 1984. Began his studies at ESAD, Escola Superior de Artes e Design of Matosinhos, Porto where he graduated in Product Design in 2006. In that same year he travelled to Barcelona where he concluded the Master program in Public Space/Communication at ELISAVA School. Nowadays he lives in Berlin where he collaborates and works in several projects in the areas of Illustration and Visual Arts. His work has been published in "Maps" by Mastodonte Editorial (AR), Monocromo Magazine (ME), Sleep City (US), "Objects-Journal of the Applied Arts" (DE), "Outlook Magazine" (CH), "It´s Nice That Issue 5" (UK), "Doppelganger" (DE) by Gestalten Verlag, and other publications."

Gaetano Pesce

'Montanara' is the name of this couch resembling rocky mountains that are surrounded by waterfalls and peeks.

Lee Shih Hsun

photographed by 張瑄旂, Liao Che-Yi

The work of fashion designer Lee Shih Hsun displays elements from different cultural fields and harmonically incorporates classic cuts, delicate prints and knittings, with the more rough aesthetic of vintage tattoos and other singular accessories.