Erwin Wurm
—"The act of dealing with sweaters, putting them on and taking them off, is hardly ever perceived consciously. When the object, i.e. the sweater, is stretched so that the body of the wearer can find its way into this envelope, when it shrinks so as to adapt to the body's contours and to create a shape or a lack thereof, an essential plastic process takes place." Erwin Wurm
—"He explores issues such as the thinness craze and obesity, fashion, advertising, the cult of consumerism, whose central fetishes include the private home as well the car. In his approach, anything can become sculpture: actions, written or drawn instructions, or even a thought."—Deichtorhallen
—'In the end, art deals with the difficulty of coping with life - be it by means of a philosophy or a nutritional diet,' Erwin Wurm.
Erwin Wurm (1954, Bruck an der Mur) lives and works in Vienna.
See also:
House Attack, 2006
The artist who swallowed the world, 2006
Carrying Edelbert Köb (Be nice to your curator), 2006
One Minute Sculpture: "Lehne deinen Kopf an die Wand, denke an Adorno und furze"
Art Basel Fucks Documenta 2006
Instructions for Idleness (v.l.n.r.: Make slow movements; Be indifferent about everything; Fantasize about minimalism; Express yourself through yawning; Think about the void; Never respond; Look silly; Don't Care), 2001
One Minute Sculptures, 1997
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