1. In the sea, 2000.
2. Red house, 2006.
3. China 1969.
"My art is a personal commentary on my perception of space and time: fears, desires and pious hopes. Reduction and polishing my means of expressionare the tools required."
butdoesitfloatb. 1942 in Sweden. Studied at Valands Artschool in Gothenburg 1961, at Atelier 17 in Paris 1962 and at the Academy of Art in Stockholm 1963 – 1968. At the same time he studied esthetics, art and literature at the university of Uppsala where he graduated in 1966. Between 1972 and 1983, he taught color-theory at Konstfack in Stockholm and between 1983 to 1993 he was a professor in graphic art at the Academy of Art in Stockholm. Since 2008, he is chairman of Grafiska Sällskapet, the Swedish association for graphic artists.