Raymond Uhlir
Shine on you crazy oracle (because there's no way I believe this is happening).
oil enamel on canvas
26.5 x 40 in.
Born 1979 in Hinsdale, IL. Lives and works in Austin, TX.
Steven B. Smith
"Steven B. Smith‘s Close to Nature and The Weather and a Place to Live “chronicle the transition of the Western landscape into suburbia.” They are studies of the ridiculous ways that man interacts with nature, by turn extraordinarily strange, funny and depressing in their bleakness. The man-meets-nature-and-produces-weirdness thing is not exactly uncommon, but I think Smith has a very keen compositional eye and does not go for the obvious subjects, often focusing in on the more easily overlooked details. A great trip into American suburbia that makes you want to go back for more but to never, ever live there."
By and via eyecurious.