Christoph Niemann
b.1970 Waiblingen, Germany
Stuttgart Academy of Fine Arts
New York, US
Bygg Studio
Design studio | 2006, Copenhagen | 2008, Stockholm
Sofia Østerhus + Hanna Nilsson + Markus Bergström
Editorial design. Denmark | Sweden
Hektor Meets Dexter Sinister
Hektor is a portable spray paint output device for computers. It was
created in collaboration with engineer Uli Franke for Jürg Lehniʼs
diploma project at ECAL (École cantonale dʼart de Lausanne) in 2002.
Hektor’s light and fragile mechanism consists only of two motors, toothed belts and a spray can holder. By the means of geometric triangulation and gravity, a custom software moves the spray can along predefined drawing paths and remotely activates the can’s nozzle.
Hektor’s light and fragile mechanism consists only of two motors, toothed belts and a spray can holder. By the means of geometric triangulation and gravity, a custom software moves the spray can along predefined drawing paths and remotely activates the can’s nozzle.